

Nothing is more unsightly than major stains or heavy soil marks in your car interior, which make it look aged and worn out. SPOT has been developed over many years, and is the exclusive and trusted stain remover of our own professional detail teams on Corporate, Heads-of State and VIP jets all around the globe.

SPOT will allow you to maintain your carpet and fabric upholstery just as owners of VIP aircraft have for years.

SPOT allows every driver to have pristine, impeccable carpet and fabric upholstery. Whether using SPOT to treat a large area or a persnickety, set-in stain from juice or stubborn dirt, the results are Spotless. While some carpet and fabric cleaners leave residues that attract dirt for future stains and spots, SPOT does not leave film and will keep the surface looking flawless. SPOT, which is perfect for colorfast carpet and fabric surfaces, is an all natural cleaner making it both biodegradable and perfect for your car.

Bahasa Indonesia

- Bau yang segar
- Digunakan pada permukaan karpet
- Merawat karpet dan permukaan kain
- Dapat menghilangkan kotoran tanah atau noda yang membandel pada karpet dan kain
- Dapat diaplikasikan pada karpet warna dan permukaan kain lainnya
- Pembersih alami (jadi aman digunakan)
Note :
Untuk pertama coba di tempat kecil yang tidak mencolok untuk mengetahui masalah apapun yang terjadi

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