


      Premium Detailing Products Company


PT. Internasional AERO Indonesia is a premium detailing products company and also the official distributor in Indonesia for International AERO Products from USA, that specialized in premium aviation, automotive and marine care products. As a premium detailing products company, our goal is to work with a business partner to create an AERO concept store that uses AERO brands of products and services exclusively.





New line of premium car care products - originally developed for jet aircraft - provides the highest quality 
and maximum protection available in a complete surface care line.

International Aero, one of the largest and most well-respected private jet detailers in the world, is pleased to announce the creation of its new company, International AERO Products. AERO's new line of car care products, originally formulated to protect custom jet aircraft in the most extreme environments on the planet, pamper your vehicle inside and out - from the highest quality spray-and-wipe detailer to leather conditioner, glass cleaner, spray wax and more.

“Our goal is to make the best car care products on the market - period,” says International Aero founder, Jonathan Saltman. “We developed these formulas to protect polyurethane paint and hand-crafted leather interiors on $100M jets, whether they are sitting on the tarmac under a scorching 120°F desert sun or flying in sub-freezing -60°F conditions at 50,000 feet at over 500mph. Now imagine what these products will do for your car. From hot rods and sports cars to daily commuters, AERO products offer maximum protection and are incredibly easy to use.”

The product line - which will be available soon online and at most major retail auto parts stores - consists of SUPPLE Leather and Vinyl conditioner; SPOT Carpet and Upholstery stain remover; FINALE Interior and Exterior multi surface cleaner; VIEW Interior and Exterior window cleaner; SHINE Speed wax and dry wash protectant; AWAY Tire, Wheel, and Engine cleaner; IMMACULATE Interior cleaner, POLISH Aluminum and Metal polish; PROTECT Tire, Plastic, and Vinyl protectant and SUDS Exterior soap.

AERO began nearly three decades ago when Saltman began detailing airplanes at an airfield near his home in Long Beach, California. As the business grew he opened a local car wash and detailing center, where he began to develop new ideas and formulas for cleaners and surface care products. Over the years the company grew to become one of the largest private airplane detailers in the world - servicing Gulfstream among many others at facilities across the globe.

Dedicated to providing its customers withi information, tips and tricks on automotive cleaning and detailing, AERO is mobilizing teams all over of the country that will visit car shows, cruise nights, auto parts stores, car clubs and more. Teams will pass out product samples and help enthusiasts learn new ways to clean and protect their vehicles inside and out. A show schedule and more in-depth product information will be released soon.

About International Aero Products:

AERO products have been designed to withstand the most extreme environments on earth. From airfield surface temperatures that can reach 120 F to a frigid -60 F at 50,000 feet above the earth. Until now, AERO products have only been available to the aerospace industry for maintaining the world's most exclusive aircraft. We offer a wide selection of quality tested and approved cleaning, polishing, protective coating and detailing products for all of your vehicle’s maintenance needs. 

Bahasa Indonesia



Garis baru produk perawatan mobil premium - awalnya dikembangkan untuk pesawat jet - memberikan kualitas terbaik
dan perlindungan maksimum yang tersedia dalam garis perawatan permukaan lengkap.

International Aero, salah satu detektor jet pribadi terbesar dan paling dihormati di dunia, dengan bangga mengumumkan pembuatan perusahaan barunya, International AERO Products. Produk perawatan mobil baru AERO, awalnya diformulasikan untuk melindungi pesawat jet khusus di lingkungan yang paling ekstrem di planet ini, manjakan kendaraan Anda di dalam dan di luar - dari detektor spray-and-wipe berkualitas tinggi ke conditioner kulit, pembersih kaca, lilin semprot dan banyak lagi.

"Tujuan kami adalah untuk membuat produk perawatan mobil terbaik di pasar - periode," kata pendiri International Aero, Jonathan Saltman. "Kami mengembangkan formula ini untuk melindungi cat poliuretan dan interior kulit buatan tangan pada jet seharga $ 100 juta, apakah mereka duduk di aspal di bawah sinar matahari gurun 120 ° F atau terbang dalam kondisi sub-freezing -60 ° F pada ketinggian 50.000 kaki di lebih dari 500mph Sekarang bayangkan apa produk ini akan lakukan untuk mobil Anda. Dari gerobak panas dan mobil sport hingga komuter harian, produk AERO menawarkan perlindungan maksimal dan sangat mudah digunakan. "

Lini produk - yang akan segera tersedia secara online dan di sebagian besar toko onderdil mobil ritel - terdiri dari SUPPLE Leather dan Vinyl conditioner; Penghilang noda karpet dan pelapis SPOT; FINALE Interior dan Exterior multi surface cleaner; VIEW Interior dan Exterior jendela bersih; SHINE Speed ​​wax dan dry wash protectant; AWAY Tire, Wheel, dan Engine cleaner; IMMACULATE Interior cleaner, POLISH Aluminium dan Metal polish; MELINDUNGI pelindung Ban, Plastik, dan Vinyl dan SUDS Sabun Eksterior.

AERO dimulai hampir tiga dekade yang lalu ketika Saltman mulai merinci pesawat terbang di lapangan terbang dekat rumahnya di Long Beach, California. Seiring berkembangnya bisnis, dia membuka sebuah tempat cuci mobil dan pusat perincian, di mana dia mulai mengembangkan gagasan dan formula baru untuk pembersih dan produk perawatan permukaan. Selama bertahun-tahun, perusahaan ini berkembang menjadi salah satu perancang pesawat pribadi terbesar di dunia - melayani Gulfstream di antara banyak fasilitas lainnya di seluruh dunia.

Didedikasikan untuk menyediakan informasi, tip dan tipuan pelanggan mengenai pembersihan dan perincian otomotif, AERO memobilisasi tim di seluruh negara yang akan mengunjungi pameran mobil, malam pelayaran, toko suku cadang mobil, klub mobil dan banyak lagi. Tim akan membagikan contoh produk dan membantu peminat mempelajari cara baru untuk membersihkan dan melindungi kendaraan mereka dari dalam dan ke luar. Jadwal acara dan informasi produk yang lebih mendalam akan segera dirilis.

Tentang Produk Aero Internasional:

Produk AERO telah dirancang untuk tahan terhadap lingkungan yang paling ekstrem di bumi. Dari suhu permukaan udara yang bisa mencapai 120 F sampai frigid -60 F di ketinggian 50.000 kaki di atas bumi. Hingga saat ini, produk AERO hanya tersedia untuk industri kedirgantaraan karena mempertahankan pesawat paling eksklusif di dunia. Kami menawarkan berbagai pilihan kualitas diuji dan disetujui pembersihan, polishing, lapisan pelindung dan merinci produk untuk semua kebutuhan pemeliharaan kendaraan Anda. Hubungi kami hari ini untuk perwakilan penjualan di wilayah Anda


CONTACT US NOW at internationalaeroindo@gmail.com or +62 811 694 5353 to be our partner.