

SUPPLE Leather and Vinyl Conditioner was developed to maintain the elite leather seats found on today’s private aircraft, and now it is available for your car. Imagine your seats looking and feeling as good as the day you drove your car off the showroom floor.

Using SUPPLE will ensure that your leather seats last for the life of your automobile.It is not only the everyday use that causes leather to wear and tear, but using products containing substances such as silicone and waxes that are not specifically designed to condition and protect delicate surfaces similar to leather.

When exposed to the elements and everyday traffic, it is essential to replace natural oils into leather interior to prevent deterioration and aging. After completing a routine interior cleaning, apply SUPPLE to all leather surfaces to not only create a barrier of protection, but to bring back its original luster.


Bahasa Indonesia

- Diaplikasikan pada jok kulit
- Mengandung nutrisi penting untuk mencegah pengeringan, perengkahan dan penuaan pada jok kulit mobil anda
- Membuat jok kulit awet dan tahan lama
Note :
- Jangan menyemprot SUPPLE langsung pada permukaan kulit atau permukaan yang berbahan suede
- Untuk pertama coba di tempat kecil yang tidak mencolok untuk mengetahui masalah apapun yang terjadi

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